
Investigadores de la ULL estudian la gestión del riego con agua desalada de cultivos de plátanos en la Isla de El Hierro

Los resultados de dicho estudio han sido publicados en la revista científica internacional “Water Reuse and Desalination”, bajo el título “Irrigation management strategies through the combination of fresh water and desalinated sea water for banana crops in El Hierro, Canary Islands”. (more…)

E5DES organiza um Workshop em Cabo Verde com o intuito de melhorar as capacidades existentes em matéria de dessalinização no país

Este evento é organizado no âmbito do projeto E5DES pelos parceiros AIR Centre, Instituto Tecnológico de Canárias (ITC) e Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV) e terá lugar no início de 2022 nas instalações da Uni-CV. (more…)

Offshore testing of prototypes which combine wave energy with desalination at PLOCAN’s test site

Wave-powered desalination systems are gaining momentum in an attempt to ensure the supply of potable water to coastal communities and islands, while reducing the environmental impact of the process and lowering operating costs through the use of a renewable energy. (more…)

New dates for the EDS International Conference on Desalination for the Environment – Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, SPAIN: 7-10 March, 2022

With a heavy heart, but considering the COVID-19 worldwide crisis, the organization has decided to postpone once again our event in Las Palmas GC to 7-10 March 2022. The health and wellbeing of delegates, exhibitors, visitors and the staff is the outmost priority and EDS and DESAL+ LIVING LAB institutions feel this is the best course of action for all. This decision has not been easy to make but now, more than ever, it is essential that we support each other and navigate our way through these difficult times. We understand that you are disappointed, but we want to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable event. Thank you in advance for your understanding in these unprecedented times. We look forward to seeing you soon in Las Palmas! More information: here.

Celebrados 5 de los 8 webinars organizados por la EDS y el ITC en el marco del proyecto E5DES

En esta serie de webinars, que dieron comienzo en enero de 2021, se tratan temas de gran interés para empresas y la comunidad científico-técnica vinculados al sector de la desalación, reclutando para ello a oradores del más alto prestigio internacional. (more…)
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