
UN issues a call for the importance of water for peace in World Water Day 2024

On this day, the United Nations calls to participate, highlighting the need for individuals, families, businesses, and governments to join the “Water for Peace” campaign and make efforts to cooperate on water matters, paving the way towards a more harmonious society. As every year, on March 22nd, World Water Day is celebrated, promoted by the United Nations (UN). This day serves as a reminder of the importance of the accessibility of fresh water in the world, and this year is focused on the role of the water in shaping the peace and avoid conflicts in the world. With over 3 billion people depending on water sources that cross international borders however, only 24 countries have cooperation agreements for all the water resources they share. In DESAL+ Living Lab, we are aware of the importance of working to obtain safe freshwater effectively, sustainably, and with the lowest possible energy cost. Therefore, we are engaged in various desalination research lines for this purpose. Each year, on World Water Day, we release a special newsletter that gathers all our updates from projects included in our cooperation ecosystem. All the information about World Water Day 2024 is available at: If you are not subscribed to our newsletter and would like to receive the World Water Day special edition, you can sign up at: 

Publicación de resultados sobre el estudio dedicado al emparejamiento de convertidores de energía undimotriz en entornos costeros

El trabajo ha sido recientemente publicado en la revista Energy Conversion and Management bajo el título: “Aplicación de una integración revisada de métodos para la optimización del emparejamiento de granjas de convertidores de energía undimotriz en ubicaciones costeras” (Application of a revised integration of methods for wave energy converter and farm location pair mapping, en inglés). (more…)

DESAL+ Living Lab se une al Atlas de Water-Oriented Living Lab (WOLL) existentes en la actualidad a nivel europeo en el marco de la iniciativa Water4All

Desde el inicio del proceso, que comenzó en enero de 2023, DESAL+ Living Lab ha demostrado niveles de madurez muy altos en todos los aspectos clave que definen un WOLL, abordando un desafío de gran interés en nuestros días: la desalación de agua. (more…)

El concurso ‘Europa se Siente’ elige el proyecto DESALRO 2.0 entre sus finalistas

El proyecto DESALRO 2.0 competirá en la categoría #EuropaTeMueve en la fase final de este concurso, organizado por el Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública del Gobierno de España. (more…)

DESAL+ LIVING LAB presents results from their brine valorisation pilot plants (NF – OARO) at the EUROMED International Conference 2024

DESAL+ LIVING LAB platform will be present at the EUROMED 2024 International Conference on Desalination for clean water and energy. (more…)
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