ITC is a Technology public body of the Regional Government of the Canary Islands from 1992. The Institute carries out projects and services in the areas of Research, Development and Innovation, in close collaboration with universities, R&D institutions and companies of the Canary Islands and abroad. The main goals are to promote and support the technological development and to encourage and drive forward RTD, in order to foster productive development, as well as business innovation.
The R&D Division is headquartered in the southeast of Gran Canaria Island (Pozo Izquierdo), wherein the sea proximity, and the solar and wind conditions have boosted the implementation of facilities for a wide set of testing activities: off-grid renewable energy (RE) powered desalination systems, RE powered hydrogen production units, workshop-domes for prototypes, outdoor testing platforms (wind, PV, solar thermal), micro-grids lab, climatological stations, service areas, among other elements.
With more than 25 years, the Water Department has implemented significant work on energy efficiency desalination and renewable energy – small desalination units coupling, to prove their technical matching, improve and optimize their operation and reliability, and to promote the technology in remote and off-grid areas. As a result, up to five small RO desalination systems coupled with Renewable Energy systems have been in operation in Morocco and Tunisia.
ITC accumulates a high experience in the development of solutions for the ENERGY and WATER supply to urban, peri-urban/rural/remote areas and for industrial purposes. ITC has participated in several EU projects such as PRODES, SODAMEE, DESSOL, SDAWES, ADIRA, ISLHáGUA, DESAL+, etc. related to these topics.
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