Categorias Field and Technical Resources

Unique high – performance equipment for analysis and tests, field and lab devices, computer equipment and specific software, etc. is available in the Platform. The whole equipment is divided in the following categories:

    • ■ Flow and electric meters
    • ■ Water Lab and sampling devices (P-C, micro, etc.)
    • ■ Off-shore marine meters and vehicles
    • ■ Hardware, software and computational devices
    • ■ Predicted maintenance devices


These resources are in ourselves use and could be used by externals under different contracted forms (collaborative project; shared with supervision; by leasing; service provision). Within the DESAL+ Living Lab, the different actions in which is involved this infrastructure are:

  • ■ Studies and technical reports
  • ■ Analysis and tests in laboratory
  • ■ Testing in pilot plants
  • ■ Prototype development
  • ■ Applications in real environments
  • ■ Knowledge transfer and training