
ITC and SPEGC have installed 2 pilot emerging high-efficiency seawater desalination plants in Gran Canaria

Two experimental technologies intended to improve the efficiency and sustainability of seawater desalination have been installed in the project area that Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, ITC (Canary Islands Institute of Technology ) has in Pozo Izquierdo. (more…)

ITC participates in the Sol2H2O project kick-off meeting in Évora (Portugal)

Gonzalo Piernavieja (ITC R&D Director) and Juan Antonio de la Fuente (ITC Water Department projects engineer) participated in the Sol2H2O project KoM organized by the University of Évora (project coordinator) the 12th and 13th December, 2022 in Évora (Portugal). (more…)

AQUASOST quiere dar apoyo al sector industrial del agua de Canarias en materia de digitalización de datos

La iniciativa AQUASOST fue presentada recientemente ante la Red de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva del Gobierno de Canarias (VTCAN). (more…)

El proyecto DESAL+ culmina con éxito su intervención en Mauritania para dotar de agua desalada al sector de la pesca artesanal en Legweichich – pk93

DESAL+ ha terminado con éxito la puesta en marcha de una planta desaladora para ser conectada a una microrred eléctrica con el objetivo de abastecer de agua potable al sector pesquero artesanal y a la población de Legweichich – pk93. (more…)

ITC presents the Canary Islands experience in the use of desalinated water in agriculture invited by the government of Saudi Arabia

PhD. Baltasar Peñate Suárez (Head of the ITC Water Department and DESAL+ Living Lab coordinator) participated in the Workshop “Desalinated Water Use in Agriculture” organized last 22nd November in Jeddah by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) of the Saudi Arabia Government and the consultant IDOM. (more…)